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Backtesting For Everyone

Leverage our free no-code backtesting engine, Smart Studies
Easy Strategy Builder

Test the performance of your favorite indicator or indicator stack without writing a line of code. Includes advanced exits and trailing stops. Get beautiful performance stats instantly after every test.

Our Philosopy

Any indicator you use for trading should be tested first and this testing should be free for everyone. To date, Smart Studies has tested over 65 million trading strategies for our community.


Community Tests


Strategy Alerts Sent


Data Points Tested


Time for Test


Community Tests


Strategy Alerts Sent


Data Points Tested


Time for Test

Easy Strategy Builder

Test the performance of your favorite indicator or indicator stack without writing a line of code. Includes advanced exits and trailing stops. Get beautiful performance stats instantly after every test.

Our Philosopy

Any indicator you use for trading should be tested first and this testing should be free for everyone. To date, Smart Studies has tested over 65 million trading strategies for our community.

Build Your Portfolio

Get Smart Alerts when strategies you’ve backtested in Smart Studies are starting and ending. Build your portfolio by following more strategies. We send you buy and sell email Alerts for every strategy you follow, including other people’s strategies. Stack the odds in your favor with Smart Alerts. Premium feature.

Create Better Efficiency

Each member test is pushed through our proprietary 10 factor rating system that includes things like annual return, profit factor and other KPIs that contribute to a great strategy. The score is shown on the stats panel and allows you to adjust and modify your strategy in real time to see if the changes result in improved performance. This is free for everyone.

How Smart Studies powers our crowdsourcing

Use the Smart Studies Tab along with our chart shading option to visualize the specific start and stop dates of trades on the chart. Assess how well a strategy caught the desired moves, enhancing your analysis and decision-making in real-time.

Instant Chart Display
Instant Performance
Priceless Insights