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Unleash the Power of Seasonality

Explore Historical Patterns Like Never Before with's Advanced Graphs
Customize Your View with Ease

Choose from Yearly, Monthly, or Weekly Bars. Selecting Weekly even allows you to pick a specific month. It's all about giving you control.

Gain Insightful Perspectives

Hover over a bar to see the percentage gain of a Strategy compared to the net buy-and-hold return. See return percentages from previous years in the selected timeframe.


Stocks & ETFs




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Stocks & ETFs




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Customize Your View with Ease

Choose from Yearly, Monthly, or Weekly Bars. Selecting Weekly even allows you to pick a specific month. It's all about giving you control.

Gain Insightful Perspectives

Hover over a bar to see the percentage gain of a Strategy compared to the net buy-and-hold return. See return percentages from previous years in the selected timeframe.

Visualize Consistency with Intuitive Design

Big green and red vertical bars represent performance. Horizontal bars visually represent the breakdown, helping you grasp consistency over the years.

Adapt to Different Time Frames

Switch between 'yearly', 'monthly' or 'weekly' views to see performance over different time frames. Tailored for the needs of experienced traders.

Our Seasonality Graphs are more than a tool; they're a solution. They reflect's commitment to world-class technology and our mission to enhance trading for everyone. Ready to take your trading to the next level? Explore our Seasonality Graphs today and discover the edge.

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